WOMAN CRUSH WEDNESDAY .....Getting to know Selaelo Mannya.
I am excited about this post!
Here's a woman who strikes me as both powerful and stunning. Join me in finding out a little more about our Crush!
Q: Who are you and what do you stand for? ( Answer this question in a way that will best satisfy you - in it cover as many aspects as you feel you stand for - in your own way )
A: I'm a black daughter, grandchild, sister, friend, cousin, girlfriend, human - who happens to be lesbian. I stand for an intersectional revolution.
Q: What are your thoughts on feminism - do you consider yourself a feminist and why is that?
A: People don't understand feminism. In fact, they ridicule it and invalidate it as a mere attack on patriarchy. So for reasons that range from being able to share my thoughts freely, to being free to call men, rape and abuse apologists out and having people listen without them thinking I'm angry.... no, I don't like the classification but YES, I do stand for it.
Q: I have heard you speak out, about the violence experienced by queer bodies in South Africa -
Do you see this ever coming to an end?
A: For as long as men think they validate sex, lesbians will continue to be raped and killed. For as long as Christians selectively read the Bible and it's 10 commandments, the LBGTI community will continue to be abused and for as long as Africans have a distorted notion of what is African and what is not. We as the minority group will forever be doomed.
Q: What are you most passionate about?
A: People
Q: What does freedom mean to you?
A: The simple act of me walking, holding hands with my girlfriend and not experiencing people's discomfort. For black men to walk down the street and not have the white person feel threatened or display fear.
Q: Career Advice? What do you do - what would you say to a girl going to university for the first time?
A: I'm a content writer and aspiring graphic designer. Girls need to work hard, not to be seen as half as good as boys but for their independence.
Sending Appreciation and love your way Selaelo Mannya - xoxo.
Thank you so much - follow @slypod on Instagram.
IG: @slypod |
Here's a woman who strikes me as both powerful and stunning. Join me in finding out a little more about our Crush!
Q: Who are you and what do you stand for? ( Answer this question in a way that will best satisfy you - in it cover as many aspects as you feel you stand for - in your own way )
A: I'm a black daughter, grandchild, sister, friend, cousin, girlfriend, human - who happens to be lesbian. I stand for an intersectional revolution.
Q: What are your thoughts on feminism - do you consider yourself a feminist and why is that?
A: People don't understand feminism. In fact, they ridicule it and invalidate it as a mere attack on patriarchy. So for reasons that range from being able to share my thoughts freely, to being free to call men, rape and abuse apologists out and having people listen without them thinking I'm angry.... no, I don't like the classification but YES, I do stand for it.
Q: I have heard you speak out, about the violence experienced by queer bodies in South Africa -
Do you see this ever coming to an end?
IG: @slypod |
Q: What are you most passionate about?
A: People
Q: What does freedom mean to you?
A: The simple act of me walking, holding hands with my girlfriend and not experiencing people's discomfort. For black men to walk down the street and not have the white person feel threatened or display fear.
Q: Career Advice? What do you do - what would you say to a girl going to university for the first time?
A: I'm a content writer and aspiring graphic designer. Girls need to work hard, not to be seen as half as good as boys but for their independence.
Sending Appreciation and love your way Selaelo Mannya - xoxo.
Thank you so much - follow @slypod on Instagram.
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